Holy Calamity!
Are you kidding me?
If you were peering at me through my computer screen, this is exactly how I looked when I clicked into Calamity Kim's the other day.

Then I clicked over to here

She is busy dying and spinning fibers lately and now I want to try it.
I WANT yarn that looks like this.
I don't know what I would do with it yet.

It just seems that seeing it, smelling it and touching it could be enough.
Is that so wrong?

By the time you read this....
I'm hoping to be up close and bonding with one of these in Peru!!!

Flickr photo By: Janruss
Yes, I am off to Peru to meet up with women involved with Project New Hope International and we will be talking about FIBER!!!
To be continued.....
This was a seriously funny and cool post!
I LOVE the look on "your" face! hahaha
you are so funny!
I hope you have a wonderful trip and I can't wait to hear all about it!
I saw Kim's post and was drooling too! Peru??? wow..can't wait to see what you post about it!!!
wow ! peru! sounds like an interesting place to visit! and oh the fiber! how freaken gorgeous is that pink spun yarn! I want it too!
looking forward to hearing abou tyour trip!
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