Showing posts with label blog-aversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog-aversary. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blog-aversary today!

This blog is
One Year Old

One year ago I begged Burbank Baby to teach me how to blog after having first discovered Sandra Evertson's blog. I spent the next week looking at EVERYONE on her blog roll. Burbank Baby obliged and attempted to teach her old mom a new trick. I joined my first swap with The Garden of Pink Shadows and signed up for One World On Heart. I was hooked! I have meet so many amazing artists and friends. The biggest problem I have is trying to explain to my kids why it's ok for me to meet face to face, give out my mailing address and refer to them as friends.

My studio and living room are bursting with the beautiful gifts that I've received. Although there is always room for more. When the doorbell rings, Hubbie and Material Girl just look at each other and say, "probably another box for Mom".

I love it!

A big "Thank You" for making this year so much fun and giving me an excuse to hog the computer each and every night!

I decided to give this special wand to the winner. I have to warn you though it is slightly defective. No matter how hard I try the stupid thing won't get hubbie to do the dishes! Hoping you have better luck with it than I!
The winner is:

The beautiful cake was created by Maryam at Icing Dreams. You must go see more of her amazing cakes at her website here or Flickr here.
Maryam, thank you so much for taking the time to send me this beautiful photo for my blog-aversary. I can enjoy it without my thighs enjoying it also!

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