Showing posts with label stores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stores. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a Day

OK, so this is how the day went down. I plan for a month to go to Art, Paper and Pleasantries with Ferrini Gal on May 1, a Friday.

The night before I go on-line to check for directions.
It's Saturday and Sunday!
Call Ferrini Gal and change the day.
Get up Saturday morning in the rain, pick up Ferrini Gal, get a coffee, head out of town. First stop Danville....Gardenseed (post below), Polka Dot Attic, and the cute interior shop across the street that Connie Govea Stuart has her work in.
Off to the next stop.... American Harvest in Pleasanton.
Then to the Zne Convention.
What a great day!

All kinds of great vendors are there including Coleen Moody.
Here is her sweet Marie doll that was featured Somersets, Marie Antoinette magazine.

Iva Wilcox had the booth right next to her and her Marie art too, was featured in the Somerset magazine.

Then I gaze across the room and who do I see?
Lissa Kettell all the way out from New Jersey with her Mom!
Lisa was one of the RED Art project artists.

Do you know how excited I was to get to meet her? Well, just know that even with bad hair (remember it was a rainy day) and the deer in the headlights gaze I am still going to show off my photo!

And guess who else I got to meet. Ruth Ray!

Ruth is the cover artist for the new Magazine Art Quilting Studio.

After we were thoroughly on sensory overload we took one last stop in Dublin, to see Gina Gabriell's shop, Tangerine.

This is one of Gina's Music box dolls that she taught how to create at the convention as well as at her shop.
I'm lusting after it!

What a day!
Stopped at Starbucks, bought a coffee and headed home.
Slept for the next two days!
Woke up.
Posted this blog.
Called hair dresser and made an appointment to get hair done!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gardenseed, Danville, CA

I had a really fun, rainy day field trip this weekend.
Ferrini Gal and I headed south to Pleasanton, CA for the ZNE Convention. Along the way we made a stop at the Gardenseed in Daneville, CA.

If you have never visited this store, it is a must for anyone traveling to the area or even if you are going to be somewhere within the vicinity

Words can not even describe this wonderful environment Robyn Robertson has created. Every style, every texture, every color is my favorite.There is just enough room to walk in a single file through a maze of lovelies.

Now in order to obtain the full effect I have devised a master plan to help you through the shop. It must be tackled one round at a time.

The first circle around,
you need to look from the knees down.

The second circle,
knees to the top of the head.

Third circle,

eye level and up!

Forth circle,
collect for the purchase.
It is a wonderful combination of gifts, including unique items from well known artisans.
Once you leave you are on such an adrenaline high from the visual stimulation, an hour you'll need a nap!

I'll tell you about the ZNE Convention in the next post.
Can you say,
"Whoo Hoo"!
But right now after seeing these photos, I have to take a nap!