Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wedding Decor: Tissue flowers

 Wedding decorations have begun.

 Some basic tools, the Dollar store and a bit of inspiration from Martha.

 Accordion pleat 8 sheets of tissue paper, wrapping  the center with a thin wire. 
Carefully pull the layers apart. Do not do this after having just finishing your morning coffee. 
Slowly and carefully pull are the key words here.  This will make half a pom-pom. 
I wired two together to form spheres. 
They price out to $2.00 each.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wedding inspiration

Let the wedding plans begin! 
Action Hero's inspiration board.

Monday, December 20, 2010

DIY: Blossom and Bumblebee pin cushion

Here's what you'll need.
cotton fabric
hand full of stuffing
buttonhole thread
silk flower
green raffia or tissue
shot glass
yellow pipe cleaner
black permanent marker
corsage pin
stiff clear plastic

Begin cutting a 6" circle out of 100% cotton.

Using a heavy buttonhole thread, sew a running stitch 1/4" in around the circumference of the circle.
Pull the thread to begin gathering the circle.
Slowly add poly-fill stuffing. Fill it very tightly.

Pull up your gathering thread and tie off.
Do not cut.
Leave the needle and thread attached.
Take apart a few old silk flowers.

Two large petals for the base.

Small petals for the top.

Bring the needle up through the center of the ball.
Attach the small flowers and a decorative button.
Bring the needle back down and pull very tight.
This is why you must use strong thread.
Knot and cut your thread off.
Hot glue the flower top onto the large petals.

Flower is done.

Hot glue 3 large leaves onto the base.

This is a shot glass.
I purchased a set of 6 at the dollar store.

Add green raffia or tissue into the shot glass and hot glue the top edge.

Immediately place the glued glass top onto the flower leaf base.

OK...It's bumblebee time!

Here are your tools.
A black permanent marker will color the pipe cleaner and the head of the corsage pin.

With needle nose pliers, grasp the end of the pipe cleaner.

Wrap the pipe cleaner up four times.
Cut off and tuck end into the large base.
Cut off a 1" piece of your black and bend in half.
Tuck the black into the large open end of the yellow.

Place the corsage pin into the head end of the bee.

Add a drop of hot glue and push into the bee.

Now for the wings.
You're going to cut a shape that looks like a stubby valentine.

I used a plastic that was ready for the trash.
Cut out and use a fine point permanent pen to draw on the veining.

Just a drop of hot glue will attach the wings right at the base where the black meets the yellow.

Bend the pin slightly.

Place him into the flower top so that he can hoover above it.

I did this project with a kids sewing class and they all turned out great.

If you make one let me know.
I'll start a flickr group to showcase our floral bouquet.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The color of HOPE

Ribbons represent awareness for so many different causes today.
Fire Mountain Gems has put together a great list of colors, their symbolic meaning and matching beads to incorporate into jewelry designs.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


What is Yellow?

Yellow is the color of the sun
The feeling of fun
The yolk of an egg
A duck's bill
A canary bird
And a daffodil.

I'm just now realizing where this obsession to these color collages is coming from.
My favorite book as a child was
Hailstones and Halibut Bones by Mary O'Neill
How fun it would be to illustrate this book.
I think I will add that into my 100 dreams list.

1. Yellow flower, 2. venetian mask, 3. Tord Boontje, 4. Mini Fiber Book, 5. trollz, 6. My 2008, 7. Shabby Fabric Flower Necklace, 8. colorful stare, 9. day 180 : 365 may 21 • peace and love, 10. :: where gretel lives ::, 11. The Wicked Witch of the East, 12. Rubber Duckie You're the One..., 13. tutu for you?, 14. Woven paper hearts, 15. ding dong the witch is dead, 16. Colar